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What’s In Store For Art In 2020?

Art provokes wonder. It inspires us, promotes healing, increases blood flow to the brain, and establishes new neural pathways. It is no wonder that many of us bring it into our homes.

Nuture your enthusiasm. Learn about the latest art trends of 2020 and add to your growing art collection!

1. Expect To See Abstract Art Prints Everywhere

According to Artsy, we will see a pendulum swing this year. Figurative art–or art representing real-world objects–dominated the 2010s. Abstract and whimsical art prints will steal the show starting in 2020 and continuing on for several years.

What should you expect from limited editions worth buying in the coming months and years?

  • An abstract twist on nature-inspired art. Artists will begin with nature-inspired subjects–like mountains, landscapes, and forests–and blur shapes and colors together.
  • Bold black blotches. While black may suggest drama in other circumstances, in abstract art it is often used to create a sense of calm or quiet. Pairing black with gold and sun-inspired yellows brings out the other color.
  • Soft, subdued colors. Similarly, soft pinks, blues, beiges, and grays create muted, abstract works that convey the depth and inspire contemplation.

2. The Reemergence Of Minimalist Line Art

“Line art uses the power of negative space to make a dramatic visual statement using only simple black lines on the white background,” Sampleboard writes. Many consider line art limited editions worth buying as they are currently trendy and ultimately timeless.

Line art can be used to create a minimalist air or dramatic, contemporary atmosphere. It is the perfect versatile art for your home.

3. Striking Painting Sets

Another trend is to purchase striking painting sets. Abstract and contemporary artists are painting pieces that match or complement one another. Enthusiasts purchase both works and display them nearby for optimal viewing. These pieces may perfectly match, continue on from the last painting, or mirror each other like the pages of an open book.

4. Portraits With Attitude

Some figurative painting will stay strong in 2020 and the years to come. Right now, artists are painting portraits very mindfully, with subjects that project confidence, assertiveness, power, and rebellion. Popular portraits range from figures brazenly staring down the viewer or portraits with faces partially or wholly obscured by blatant brush strokes. Whether it is a comment on fraught political and/or cultural times, that is up to the viewer to decide.

5. Unlikely Collages

Eccentric and unexpected collages will be in vogue in 2020. Expect figures picked apart and pasted back together again, along with abstract shapes, landscapes, and other elements from nature. This creates a bold effect, much like colorful and smart serigraph. Count these one-of-a-kind collages among limited editions worth buying in the next few years.

Viewing and studying art makes us happier, more creative, and smarter, too. Academic achievement rates are four times higher among students with art classes, and these students are also more likely to attend school regularly, with three times as many attendance awards. Fortunately, the positive effects of art are not limited to childhood.

Celebrate art, collect it, and appreciate it for all that it can do for people of all ages–including reducing stress levels, inspiring us, and helping us experience the world in entirely new ways.