The Benefits to Starting an Art Collection
Humans are naturally curious creatures. When we see something that peeks our interest, we begin to want to look closer. Art is one of the oldest forms of expression, and one of the oldest mysteries we have yet to fully understand. When you encounter a piece of art... read more
Are Limited Edition Prints Worth Buying? Four Things To Look For
The world of fine art adds an elevated dimension of aesthetic beauty to many corners of life. This is a well-known concept among architects, interior designers, art enthusiasts, and art buyers for corporations such as hotels, transportation centers, and medical... read more
What’s In Store For Art In 2020?
Art provokes wonder. It inspires us, promotes healing, increases blood flow to the brain, and establishes new neural pathways. It is no wonder that many of us bring it into our homes. Nuture your enthusiasm. Learn about the latest art trends of 2020 and add to your... read more
How Collecting Different Kinds of Art Adds Value To Your Collection
In the art world, most collectors tend to develop a focus on one particular field of art. Maybe they resonate with the work of a single artist, or group of artists. Maybe their natural tastes gravitates them toward a particular region of the world or a certain art... read more