What’s In Store For Art In 2020?
Art provokes wonder. It inspires us, promotes healing, increases blood flow to the brain, and establishes new neural pathways. It is no wonder that many of us bring it into our homes. Nuture your enthusiasm. Learn about the latest art trends of 2020 and add to your... read more
What Are Some of the Best Ways You Can Support Artists?
Many art collectors do not take the time to analyze just how much they are offering their direct support to artists themselves. Here are a few key considerations to keep in mind if you’re passionate about seeing that you offer direct support to artists. Buy Art... read more
Defining Magical Realism And Its Impact on Popular Culture And Art
The arts are revered. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic Games, made a point of including artists in the world-famous event and awarded medals honoring sports-related art, painting, sculpture, music, and literature from 1912 and 1948... read more
How Collecting Different Kinds of Art Adds Value To Your Collection
In the art world, most collectors tend to develop a focus on one particular field of art. Maybe they resonate with the work of a single artist, or group of artists. Maybe their natural tastes gravitates them toward a particular region of the world or a certain art... read more
What You Should Consider When Buying Limited Edition Art Prints
So you want to buy some art. Maybe you’re looking to add some vitality to your living room in your home. Maybe you want to create an inviting atmosphere for your workspace. Whatever your motivations, there is a lot that goes into the process of choosing the... read more
How Can Buying the Right Art Prints Improve Your Everyday Life?
Whether you’re an art enthusiast or not, you’re likely aware of the fact that art offers several benefits to people of all kinds. Painting is the most popular media found in collections globally with 83%, against collage, drawings and works on paper with... read more
The Most Sought After Information on Fine Art
The world of art does not demonstrate to people what to do; dealing with a good piece of art connects you to your mind, body, and spirit. This feeling initiates thinking engagement and so much more. Arts always help us to identify with one another and expand from... read more
Will Your Art Print Hold the Same Value After You Purchase it?
Collecting and displaying artwork is a timeless trade, remaining popular for centuries. While art-collecting is unlikely to fade into obscurity any time in the near future, collecting valuable pieces has become more of a challenge in the modern age. This is partly due... read more