Are You Buying Fine Art Prints the Right Way?
Art is not only inspirational, but it also contributes to the economy. There are 2.2 million artists employed by 113,000 nonprofit art organizations making the arts an economic force. One area that contributes to revenue generation is the sale of art prints. Pablo... read more
How to Differentiate Fine Art Prints from Original Artwork
How can you tell the difference between original artwork and prints? It can be tough if you don’t know what to look for. Fortunately, we’re here to help. Let’s review a few key traits you’ll need to look at when determining whether you’re... read more
What Is Magical Realism And How Has It Evolved?
The world of art is full of many genres, magic realism being one of the most popular. It is an artistic style that’s applied not just to art, but to film, literature, and new media. Magical realism broke into the visual arts sector after the first world war in the... read more